“In order to prosper, you have to have patience in the mist of your process...”
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I realized the world we live in is a spiritual war. We all have our own spiritual battles, and sometimes after we pull out the word; our secondary weapon is our talents. Your talent attacks the root of whatever was holding that person back or in a depressed state. We save so many peoples lives through laughter, story-telling through movies by expressing ourselves and by providing a pathway through inspiration. That is why i decided to pick up writing as a child to fulfill what I felt.
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- Sat, Oct 06My Facebook Page ( Renzo Romon Hart )
Johnny Murillo, Film Director
Lorenzo is an incredible filmmaker with a rare story telling ability only found in the relm of Lucas, Spielburg and Hues. I'm looking forward to future collaboration opportunities.
Nancy V. Brown, Celebrity Hair-Stylist
I watched some of Lorenzo's trailers and i'm very impressed with his work. Looking forward to working with him soon!
Patrick Hooper, Executive Producer
Incredibly talented writer, actor, director and brother in Christ
Ana Bang, Dancer
Omg, it's so good to finally have someone that's actually putting in work with Excellency for the body of Christ!, it's very rare to find someone who's putting in their all, and actually being good at it! Fire Films Ministry is NO JOKE! I can't wait to work with you guys someday.